Christ Encounter Ministries runs an ASIC internationally accredited bible college, enabling those who those who sense a calling on their lives to go deeper into the things of God & grow in their spiritual relationship with Him. We offer a three-year bible college program; however students do not need to complete all three years & will receive a graduation certificate for each year successfully completed.
The courses provided are strategically focused on growing students spiritually & not just intellectually, & those attending can fully expect to develop a deep & intimate relationship with God, & to become equipped on how to function successfully as an overcoming & victorious Christian. After completing the 3rd year course, students also become eligible for receiving ordination as ‘Ministers of the Gospel.’
Christ Encounter Ministries is very much invested in advancement the Kingdom of God, & provides full funding for those who are serious about pursuing their calling, terms & conditions apply.

Practical Leadership Studies
Especially designed to develop a born-again believer to maturity, fully assured in their walk with God. All modules are focused on the student developing a personal and more intimate relationship with God hence our theme for 1st Year: “Cultivating Intimacy with God through Personal Relationship“.
Biblical Leadership Studies
All modules are focused on the theme “Fanning into Flame the Gifts Given to You by God” and facilitates the discovery of our purpose in the body of Christ.
Ministry Leadership Studies
This year focuses on equipping the student with knowledge in starting a ministry. The Theme of the 3rd year is “Impartation to the Sons”. Students will be equipped with business principles as well as other concepts to start an effective ministry from implementation.