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Few can doubt that we are indeed accelerating towards the end of this age & the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ at an incredible pace, with all the signs marking His imminent coming evident for all to see. Never before has the burden of responsibility of the Church to shine bright for Jesus ever been as important as it is now with this world growing darker and more depraved with each passing moment. The ABLAZE youth movement is designed to make available a platform where they can be empowered & equipped by God, in order for Him to use them mightily for His Kingdom in this most challenging & momentous era of humanity. 

ABLAZE is a purposeful investment in the advancement of the Kingdom of God through the future of the Church, which is the youth.

“The entire universe is standing on tiptoe, yearning to see the unveiling of God’s glorious sons and daughters!”

                                                                 Romans 8:19 (TPT)

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