“For the kingdom of God is not just a lot of talk; but it is living by Gods power.”
1 Cor 4:20 (NLT)
"You cannot separate God from His power! If there is no power evident in signs, wonders & miracles; then the Kingdom of God is not at work."
- Ps Karl Bezuidenhout
Are you dissatisfied with always only ‘hearing about God’, but never truly experiencing Him? Then Christ Encounter Ministries is the place for you to be. God wants to have a personal & intimate relationship with you & wants to reveal Himself to you. It’s never been about a religion, it’s always been about relationship. At Christ Encounter Ministries we are all about developing that personal & intimate relationship with Jesus Christ through real life-changing encounters with Him.
Come & join us as we pursue the Presence of Jesus Christ in every service, through powerful praise & worship, anointed corporate prayer & life changing teachings on the Word of God.


02 Feb
Kosie van der Merwe
Join us as Kosie van der Merwe brings a powerful message during our service. Don’t miss this opportunity to gather together and receive a life-changing word from the Lord. We look forward to seeing you there!
23 Feb
With Alwyn Uys
Come and join us for an inspiring message from Alwyn Uys during our service. It's a fantastic chance to unite and receive a transformative word from the Lord. We look forward to seeing you there!
In-person & Online
Ps Karl always has word of encouragement for you. Come with the expectation of spending time in the life changing presence of God or enjoy the service online.